Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Twenty Yoga-Upanishads


Upanishads constitute the spirit of Vedas.

Muktika Upanishad lists 108 Upanishads invariably found in four Vedas. Among them 20 are categorised as "Yoga-Upanishads".

These Yoga-Upanishads explain many ancient yogic practices and meditation techniques. 

However, most of these are lost in time and are out of practice today. Due to this reason, they are not part of contemporary yoga and meditation schools of thought.

Vedic Tribe is happy to bring a short introduction series on these Yoga-Upanishads with a hope that it will create enough curiosity in readers to move towards a more detailed study. 

If interested, one can study Sri Upanishad Brahmayogin's Sanskrit commentary on all 108 Upanishads, out of which 20 Yoga-Upanishads are translated to English in one book by TRS Ayyangar.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe

1. Hamsa-upanishad

It describes a method in which sadhaka meditates on "om" in relation to "hamsa".

Hamsa's literal translation is swan; but in Sanskrit, it represents Atman, a liberated soul…etc. It also represents inhale & exhale.

It goes on to explain the hamsa-vidya, importance of self restraint for yogis, chakras…etc.

It captures dialogue between Sage Gautama and Sanatkumara, wherein Sanatkumara explains these aspects from what Shiva told Parvati.

This Upanishad is found as part of Shukla Yajurveda and many schools like tantra, shakta… etc draw their ideas from this Upanishad.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


2. Amritabindu-Upanishad

It describes a yogic practice in which sadhaka adopts six-limbs: (1) withdrawal of mind, (2) meditation, (3) breathing exercise, (4) introspection, (5) reflection and (6) samadhi.

Amritabindu's literal translation is drop of elixir; but in Sanskrit, it represents eternal cosmic sound "om".

It goes on to explain prana (life energy)…etc.

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharvaveda and yoga-darshana draws many ideas from this Upanishad.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


3. Nadabimdu Upanishad

It describes a method in which sadhaka meditates upon the subtle sound captured in anahata-chakra (around Thymus Gland).

The cosmic sound “Om” is experienced by different seers in different ways. In this upanishad, seers have explained 12 hidden secrets in “om”.

It stresses upon “siddhasana” as a posture for meditation. 

It goes on to explain three gunas, twelve gunas, nature of ignorance…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharvaveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


4. Kshurika Upanishad

It describes a method called “dhyana-yoga”, in which sadhaka uses the “mind” like a razor to cut-away from worldly connections.

It explains many concepts like asana, pranayama…etc which became the foundation of “ashtanga-yoga” by Patanjali.

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharvaveda and the yoga school of thought draws many concepts from this Upanishad.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe

5. Tejobindu Upanishad

"Bindu" literally means "point" (something without dimensions) and represents "the nasal sound of mmmm in the utterance of "om"".

It describes a method of experiencing the self / Atman /soul and then ultimately the Brahman, through meditating upon "bindu" in "om".

It goes on to explain difficulties of meditation, methods for succeeding in meditation, 15-limbed yogic practice…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharvaveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


6. Amritanadabindu Upanishad

This is similar to nadabindu-upanishad, but there are many variations between two different version of this upanishad

"Bindu" literally means "point" (something without dimensions) and represents "the nasal sound of mmmm in the utterance of "om"".

It describes a method of experiencing the self / Atman /soul and then ultimately the Brahman, through meditating upon "bindu" in "om".

It goes on to explain difficulties of meditation, methods for succeeding in meditation, 15-limbed yogic practice…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Rigveda (as classified by TRS Ayyangar) and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


7. Dhyanabindu Upanishad

This Upanishad places great emphasis on meditation in yoga and specifically on maintaining silence.

It describes a six-limbed yogic process: physical posture, regulation of breath, withdrawal of senses, observation of breath, concentration of mind and sustaining concentration.

It goes on to explain - acute observation of Atman present in all living beings, kundalini yoga etc.

Longer version of this Upanishad is found as part of Samaveda and the Yoga school of thought.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


8. Brahmavidya Upanishad

This Upanishad lays down a meditation technique in which the practitioner meditates upon five different dimensions of parabrahman in the body.

It describes three aspects of “om” (A, u and m) which represent three vedas, three dimensions of existence..etc.

It goes on to explain - difference between jeevatma & parabrahma, chanting of om etc.

Longer version of this Upanishad is found as part of Krishna Yajurveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


9. Yogatatva Upanishad

This Upanishad emphasizes on hatha-yoga and incorporates many aspects which became the foundation for raja-yoga and other sub-schools of yogic philosophy & practice..

It describes four broad yogic styles: Mantra, Laya, Hatha yoga and Raja..

It goes on to explain - combination of jnana (knowledge) & yoga (practice), virtues of a yoga-student…etc.

Longer version of this Upanishad is found as part of Krishna Yajurveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


10. Trishikhibrahmana Upanishad

This Upanishad emphasizes on optimum combination of karma-yoga & jnana-yoga in yogic process.

It describes cosmic creation modeled after causality.

It goes on to explain - the model of the human body from a cosmic perspective, importance of study of vedanta…etc .

This Upanishad is found as part of Shukla Yajurveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Sankhya school are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


11. Yogachudamani Upanishad 

This Upanishad emphasizes on kundalini yoga.

It describes yoni-mudra as the pinnacle of yogic practice.

It goes on to explain - chakras, nadis ..etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Samaveda and tantra-tradition draws many concepts from this Upanishad.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe

12. Mandala-brahmana Upanishad

Mandala represents “surya mandala” (the solar plane of existence”) 

This Upanishad emphasizes on “unmani dhyana stiti” wherein practitioner’s mind completely dissolves. .

It describes the practice of ashtanga yoga, from which Patanjali's yoga sutra draws most of its practices.

It captures the teaching of Lord Vishnu to Sage Yajnavalkya, while the sage experienced the same at a higher plane of existence i.e, surya mandala.

This Upanishad is found as part of Shukla Yajurveda and has influenced Raja-yoga school in an enormous way.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


13. Advayataraka Upanishad

This Upanishad emphasizes the importance of “guru” in yogic practices.

It describes meditation upon unity of “brahman” (advaya / non-dual) which is caused by illumination (taraka) experienced during mediation 

It categorically states that the practice of this upanishad is for “yatis” (those who walk in the path of renunciation)

This Upanishad is found as part of Shukla Yajurveda andthough it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


14. Shandilya Upanishad

This Upanishad is named after the vedic-rishi “shandilya”.

It emphasizes on eight asanas: Mayurasana, Simhasana, Goumukhasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana and Virasana

It describes yogic practice in which core vedantic ideas are adopted

It goes on to explain kundalini, chakras…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharva Veda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.


15. Yogashiksha Upanishad

It emphasizes on Hatha Yoga and Sri Gorakshanatha’s work draws lot of influence from this Upanishad

It goes on to explain jnana yoga, kundalini…etc

Longer version of this Upanishad is found as part of Krishna Yajurveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Notably, this upanishad has the highest number of variations in different manuscripts and is quite difficult to ascertain the original content.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


16. Pashupatabrahma Upanishad

It emphasizes ritualistic yogic practices and “dharma-yoga”.

It goes on to explain vedantic concepts of relationship between atman-brahman-nature, liberation…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharva Veda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of advaita Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


17. Yoga-kundalini Upanishad

Yoga-kundalini Upanishad emphasizes generally on “kundalini-yoga” and specifically on padmasana & vajrasana

It goes on to explain lambika yoga, samskara / mental impressions, balanced diet …etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Krishna Yajurveda and “tantra school” draws many ideas from this upanishad.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


18. Darshana Upanishad

Darshana Upanishad captures the teaching of Sri Dattatriya to sage Sankriti. It emphasizes on the optimum combination of hatha-yoga & raja-yoga.

It goes on to explain workings of nadi (channels of energy in the body), asanas, pranayama…etc

This Upanishad is found as part of Samaveda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.


19. Mahavakya Upanishad

Mahakavya Upanishad emphasizes on meditating upon “gayatri mantra”.

It goes on to explain the nature of knowledge, ignorance, brahman, atman…etc. 

It categorically opposed ignorant practise of vedic rituals.

This Upanishad is found as part of Atharva veda and though it is primarily a Yoga-Upanishad, many aspects of Vedanta are found here.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


20. Varaha Upanishad

In contrast to other yoga upanishads, Varaha Upanishad describes meditating upon elements of reality.

It goes on to explain 24 tattvas (elements of reality), stages of learning…etc. 

It notably refers to Ramayana, Mahabharata…etc.

This Upanishad is found as part of Krishna Yajurveda.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe