Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Friday, July 21, 2023

Seven prominent Rishis of Rigveda

Seven prominent Rishis of Rigveda


In Rigveda, there are around 400 rishis. Out of them seven Rishis standout as the most prominent ones. Ie., Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Bharadwaja, Gouthama, Atri, Vasishta & Kashyapa. 

The entire 67th Sukta of 9th Mandala in Rigveda is attributed to these seven Rishis and verse 2.2.4 of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad specifically recognizes these seven Rishis. In one tradition, these seven Rishis are remembered during "Sandhya Vandana" ritual. 

In another tradition, rishis from sapta-rishi mandala are remembered (representing seven stars of the big dipper).

Vedic Tribe is happy to bring you an introductory series on the contribution of seven prominent Rishis of Rigveda as also recognized by Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. (We will share their contribution to Vedic literature, rather than their life story)

Our intention is to encourage you to study Vedic literature and implement them in your day to day life.

All the best.

Vedic Tribe
Madhwesh K


1. Vishvamitra Rishi

Ramayana gives a detailed life story of Vishvamitra Rishi and pauranik narration differ in few segments.

Most of the third mandala of Rigveda is attributed to Vishvamitra Rishi. In this mandala, 62nd sukta has the famous "Gayatri mantra" as its 10th mantra.

This mantra is known as "vishvamitra gayatri" indicating the valuable contribution of Vishvamitra Rishi.

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Jamadagni Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


2. Jamadagni Rishi

Jamadagni Rishi is the father of the famous Parashurama. Jamadagni’s defiance to Kartavirya Arjuna’s demand, cost him his life, which made Parashurama take revenge on the Kshatriya clan.

Entire 110th Sukta of 10th Mandala in Rigveda is attributed to Jamadagni Rishi. He has also contributed to a few mantras of the 67th Sukta of 9th Mandala.

Jamadagni Rishi is said to have acquired knowledge of ancient weaponry (Aushanasa Dhanurveda) which was developed further by his son Parashurama for contemporary warfare. This knowledge seems to have ended with Parashurama relinquishing them during Mahabharata where they were finally used up in the Kurukshetra war.

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Bharadwaja Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


3. Bharadwaja Rishi

Bharadwaja Rishi is the father of Dronacharya of Mahabharata.

Most of the mantras in 6th mandala of Rigveda are attributed to Bharadwaja Rishi and his family members. Entire sukta 61 of this mandala is dedicated to "Saraswati". This sukta has great historical and geographical prominence. Many modern scholars rely on this sukta for ascertaining details of Saraswati river, oldest form of Vedic Sanskrit, sapta-sindhu area etc.

Bharadwaja Rishi has also immensely contributed to the development of Pancharatra texts, ritualistic texts for yajnik application of Vedas, ayurvedic texts …etc

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Gautama Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


4. Gautamaama Rishi

Gauthama Rishi is popularly known for cursing Ahalya who was later released by Lord Rama. 

Entire 4th Mandala of Rigveda is attributed to Vamadeva Gautama Rishi. Some texts suggest that he was the son of Gautama Rishi and others suggest it was Gautama Rishi who started the Vamadeva lineage.

Nonetheless, Gautama Rishi’s major contribution has been to “dharma sutras”. The “Gautama Dharma Sutras” developed in his lineage have established authoritative structure for both “srauta” (social / yajnic processes) and “grihya” (household / day-to-day processes). “Gautama Dharma Sutras” developed under Samaveda and stand influential alongside “Apasthamba Sutras” which developed under Shukla-Yajurveda.

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Atri Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


5. Atri Rishi

Atri Rishi along with his spouse Anasuya appear in Ramayana too and though different puranas mention Atri, most of them are his descendants.

The Fifth Mandala of Rigveda is called Atri Mandala, due to the contribution of Atri Rishi and his descendants to this Mandala. Few mantras are directly attributed to Atri Rishi and others are attributed to his descendants (like Babhru Atreya, Avasyu Atreya…etc)

Atri Rishi along with Marichi, Bhrigu and Kashyapa - propagated “Vikhasana” tradition. In Tirupati Balaji Temple and among other prominent temples, “Vikhasana” is strictly adhered to.

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Vasishta Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


6. Vasishta Rishi

In popular culture he is known as the nemesis of Vishvamitra Rishi and has contributed extensively to the development of Yogic principles in Vedanta tradition.

Entire seventh mandala of Rigveda is attributed to Vasishta Rishi. His marital relationship with his wife Arundhati is celebrated by recognizing two stars in Ursa Major Constellation (i.e., Mizar & Alcor) by their names.

His preaching to Lord Rama is captured by Valmiki Rishi in Ramayana and is popularly known as “Yoga Vasishta”

In our next write-up, we will share contributions by Vasishta Rishi to Vedic literature.

Madhwesh K
Vedic Tribe


7. Kashyapa Rishi

Kashmir obtained its name from Kashyapa Rishi (Kashyapa Mira meaning Lake Kashyapa)

He is attributed with a few hymns of 9th mandala in Rigveda. The 19th Kanda of Atharvaveda also mentions Kashyapa Rishi.

He immensely contributed to the development of Ayurveda and “Kashyapa Samhita” is part of contemporary practice of Ayurveda even today.

Vedic Tribe is very happy to have brought you this introductory series on the brief contribution of seven major Rishis of Rigveda to the Vedic Tradition.

Our intention is to encourage you to study Vedic literature and implement them in your day to day life.

In our next series we will discuss seven prominent “chandas” (meters) of Rigveda

All the best.

Vedic Tribe
Madhwesh K


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