Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Four Symbolic Expositions in Upanishads




*What is the symbolic language used in Upanishads?*

There are countless symbolic languages in Vedas (in general) and Upanishads (in particular). 

For a layman it is difficult to comprehend these symbolic languages.

Philosophers like Aurobindo, D V Gundappa ...etc have observed simple approaches to understanding

these symbolic languages.

“Vedic Tribe” is happy to introduce you one of such simple approaches explained in D V Gundappa's


In the coming days we will share these approaches under the title *Four Symbolic Expositions in


*Please note that, this is only a simple approach and is intended to create interest in Upanishads.

Advance study shall be done only with the guidance of the learned*. 

Wish you all the very best!

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!

1. "Brahman” is symbolically represented in various names.*

What is that intelligence that creates this cosmos? What is that intelligence that sustains it,

destroys it, pervades it and transcends it?

Vedic nomenclature for this intelligence is “Brahman”. Vedas in general & upanishad in particular

symbolically represent this “Brahman” by various names depending on its activity, appearance...etc.

“Om” for example is a very famous name of “Brahman”.

“Om” represents countless attributes of “Brahman” (which can be comprehended via study of

grammar, phonetics..etc)

So, while reading Upanishads, when we come across “names”, then we should remember that

they represent “Brahman” in different ways.

2. *”Upanishadic concepts” are symbolically represented in various forms.*

How do you explain something to someone who has not experienced it? 

Simple; we give examples, metaphors, comparisons...etc

Vedas in general & upanishad in particular symbolically represent unknown concepts in various

forms which are known to us.

“Yajna” for example is a very famous form of “worship of Brahman”.

“Yajna” represents countless ways of “worshiping Brahman” (which can be comprehended via

study of vedanta, bhagavadgeeta ...etc)

So, while reading Upanishads, when we come across “forms”, then we should remember that they

represent “upanishadic concepts” in different ways.

3. *”Process of connecting with cosmic consciousness” is symbolically represented in various actions.*

How can we connect with cosmic consciousness or Brahman? 

Meditation / dhyana is a very famous method of connecting with the cosmic consciousness.

Vedas in general & upanishad in particular symbolically represent this process through certain actions.

In Vedanta, the goal of Dhyana is to connect with Brahman (which can be comprehended via study of

bhagavata, bhagavadgeeta ...etc)

So, while reading Upanishads, when we come across “actions”, then we should remember that they

represent “process of connecting with brahman” in different ways.

4. *”Universal values” are symbolically represented in various stories.*

Are values fundamental / eternal? 

If values were not fundamental / eternal, then humans would not be able to grasp them and act upon

them. So values are fundamental to reality and also are eternal.

Vedas in general & upanishad in particular symbolically represent eternal values through stories.

In Chandogya upanishad, the story of Satyakama Jabala represents the universal value of


So, while reading Upanishads, when we come across “stories”, then we should remember that they

represent “values that are universal, fundamental & eternal” in different ways.



ಮಧ್ವೇಶ ಕೆ, ವೇದಿಕ್ ಟ್ರೈಬ್

Madhwesh K, Vedic Tribe

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