Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ten pranava (om) in pranayama



*What should our mind do while doing

It depends on what system of yoga - one is

Some count seconds, some concentrate on
 movement of energy ...etc

The Vedic system provides for *“ten-step-

This ten-step-process is done for each
 inhalation, retention & exhalation. 

I.e., while inhaling the mind has to go through
 this ten-step-process; while retaining breath
 the mind has to once again go through the
 same; and while exhaling the mind has to
 once again go through the same.

This ten-step-process involves ten levels
 which are ten planes / dimensions of

It starts with our plane / dimension of
 existence and goes further up into higher
 planes / dimensions.

Each step / level / plane / dimension - has
 one pranava (om) utterance. Hence, at the
 end of one inhalation, the mind would journey
 through these ten steps / levels/ planes /
 dimensions - with the utterance of ten

Similarly, at the end of one retention &
 exhalation mind would do the same. 

“Vedic Tribe” is happy to introduce you to
 these ten steps / levels/ planes /

*Please note that, this is only theoretical
 knowledge and is intended to create interest
 in you. Practical exercise shall be done only
 by learning it from the learned*. 

Wish you all the very best!

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!

-- - 

1. First, to become conscious of our physical
 plane of existence.

Everyone's spiritual journey starts from the
 physical plane of existence.

However, unless we are conscious of our
 physical plane of existence, we can't start
 this journey.

Vedic pranayama's first step is the mental
 utterance of "ॐ भूः (om bhuuh)"

This takes us away from our fantasies & day
 dreams and puts us in the "here & now" zone.

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!

-- - 

2. Second, to become conscious of our mental plane of existence.

After we become conscious of our physical plane of existence, we move higher into the mental plane

of existence.

As we are aware, the mind’s reach  is wider than the physical plane of existence. Hence, mind’s reach

is metaphorically linked to the “sky” / भुवः / bhuvah

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's second step is the mental utterance of *"ॐ भुवः  (om bhuvah)"*.

This elevates our consciousness to the zone of subjective reality.

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!

-- -  

3. Third step is to become conscious of our alternate mental plane of existence.

After we become conscious of our mental
 plane of existence, we move higher into the
 *alternate* mental plane of existence.

Mind is not only limited to humans; animals &
 plants also have mind. In fact everything in
 this universe has mind OR mind-like property.
 These can be viewed as alternate-states of

Consciousness is capable of journeying
 through all the alternate states of mind. 

Hence, these alternate states of mind is
 metaphorically linked to the “outer-space” /
 सुवः / suvah.

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's third step is
 the mental utterance of *"ॐ सुवः (om

This elevates our consciousness to the zone
 of higher reality.

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!


4. Fourth step is to become conscious of the plane in which yogis dwell.

After we become conscious of alternate

mental plane of existence, we move higher

 into the plane where yogis dwell.

Yogis performing higher meditation practices,

 experience *yogi pratyaksha*, which itself is

 a higher plane of existence.

Hence, this higher plane of yogis is

 metaphorically called महः / mahah

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's third step is


the mental utterance of "ॐ महः  (om


This elevates our consciousness to the zone

 of yogis.

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!


5. *Fifth step is to become conscious of the plane in which enlightened yogis dwell.*

After we become conscious of the plane of existence in which yogis dwell, we move higher into the

plane where enlightened yogis dwell.

Yogis in nirbija-samadhi (dissolution of mind without any causal / supporting factor), experience

*aparoksha jnana*/ the knowledge of self.

Hence, this higher plane of enlightened yogis is metaphorically called *जनः / janah*.

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's fifth step is the mental utterance of *"ॐ जनः (om janah)"*.

This elevates our consciousness to the zone of enlightened yogis.

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!


6. *Sixth step is to become conscious of the plane of

luminous energy.*

After we become conscious of the plane of existence

in which enlightened yogis dwell, we move higher

into the plane of luminous energy.

When the gross nature (moola prakriti) manifests

into observable nature, it's first formation is

"energy" (shakti).

Hence, this higher plane of luminous energy

(observed by the emancipated) is metaphorically

called *तपः / tapah*.

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's sixth step is the

mental utterance of *"ॐ तपः (om tapah)"*.

This elevates our consciousness to the zone of

"energy" (shakti).

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!


7. *Seventh step is to become conscious of the plane

of absolute truth.*

After we become conscious of the plane of luminous

energy, we move higher into the plane of absolute


In vedic philosophy, Truth is a fundamental element

of reality; but it is hidden by multiple layers of nature.

Hence, this higher plane of absolute truth is called

*सत्यं / sathyam*.

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's seventh step is the

mental utterance of *"ॐ सत्यं (om Sathyam)"*.

This elevates our consciousness to the zone of

"absolute truth" .

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!


8. *Eighth step is to become conscious of the "way of Brahman"*

After we become conscious of the plane of absolute truth, we move higher into the plane of Brahman's way.

In vedic philosophy, all spiritual practices are intended towards aligning ourselves to the ways of Brahman.

Hence, this higher plane of alignment is codified in last pada / line of gayatri mantra "dhiyo yo nah pracodayat".

Accordingly, vedic pranayama's eighth step is the mental utterance of gayatri mantra.

This elevates our consciousness to the zone the "way of Brahman"

Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthih!!

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