Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Episode 2 - Three meditation methods on Virat Purusha - Top down meditation


Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya!

Welcome to this short series on Virat Purusha meditation

In the previous episode, we discussed what is this Virat Purusha and also methods of meditating upon this Virat Purusha

In this episode, we will discuss the top down method of meditating upon this Virat Purusha

What is the grandest thing that we know?

Galaxies? Our universe itself? Or the multiple universes?

The cosmic consciousness that occupies all these infinite multiple universes, is the same as the universal consciousness that occupy our universe.

It is the same God that occupies all the stars that we see and the stars that we don't see

It is the same as this parabrahman that we worship through sun

It is the same as our personal God that we pray to everyday!

In Bhagavata purana, Lord Krishna commands chief of all these infinite universes to come before him.

Today string theory acknowledges the fact that there are ofcourse multiple universes.

Can we really imagine this Virat Purusha?

No; not really.

But we do experience this Virat Purusha, indirectly every moment of our life.

But we can experience bit of this Virat Purusha through meditation directly.

In the next one minute, there will be a guided meditation with respect to the top down method of meditating upon this Virat Purusha

In the next episode we will discuss about the bottom up method of meditatng upon this Virat Purusha.

Until then, Om shanthi shanthi, shanthihi!

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