Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Episode 1 - Three meditation methods on Virat Purusha - introduction

 Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Welcome to this short series on Virat Purusha Meditation

What is this Virat Purusha?

At a very gross level, Virat means “Grand”; Purusha means “Consciousness”

So Virat Purusha means “Grand Consciousness”; you may call it cosmic consciousness, you may call it universal consciousness, you may call it parabrahman, you may call it God, you may call it atman; you may call it by whatever name you want

Bhagavata purana says that the entire universe is filled with this Virat Purusha. This Virat Purusha  occupies the entire universe in the same shape that of the universe itself. The same concept is also echoed in some of the western philosophies such as Panentheism and panpsychism.

Ok. How do we meditate upon this Virat Purusha?

There are many methods. I personally follow three methods; first method I call top down method; the second method I call bottom up method; and the third the middle method.

In the top down method, we start with meditation upon the grand scale of the universe and then come down to our experiential level; and then go further down in to the subtle nature of the universe. 

In the bottom up method, we start with the subtle nature of the universe, and then come up to our experiential level and then further go up in to the grand scale of the universe

The centre method is where we start with our experience. And from there either we can go up to the grand scale of the universe or go down to the subtle nature of the universe.

Now for the next one minute there will be an introductory guided meditation. 

And thats it for this episode and in the next episode, we will discuss more on the top down method.

Until then, Om shanthi shanthi shanthihi!

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