Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

"Dark Triad" and "यम - अष्टांगयोग / yama -ashtangayoga"


*Can we use Ashtanga Yoga to control my negative behaviour?*

In the domain of psychology and behavioural science, three negative traits are considered most

dangerous. Together they are called *dark triad*:

*Machiavellianism*: being manipulative and deceitful. 

*Narcissism*: self-centred egoistic prejudice.

*Psychopathy*: lack of emotional feedback.

Dark triad is the most difficult to identify & accept for anyone trying to overcome negative emotions.

Other negative emotions are relatively easy to identify & accept.

First, one must identify and accept existence of any one or more of the dark triad. Once this is done,

one can initiate yogic process (Sadhana) to get rid of the same. 

It only takes one step in Sadhana to get rid of entire dark triad.

Patanjali offers eight-step Sadhana in his aphorism on Yoga.

The very first step is “yama” i.e., restraint. First three (out of five) yamas are *ahimsa* (अहिंसा) (non-

violence), *satya* (सत्य) (truthfulness) and *asteya* (आस्थेय) (non-stealing).

By practicing asteya, one can eliminate Machiavellianism.

By practicing satya, one can eliminate Narcissism.

By practicing ahimsa, one can eliminate Psychopathy.

Nonetheless, all three yamas invariably help eliminating all of dark triad. They also help eliminate

other negative traits too.

For a sadhaka who wish to explore spiritual side of reality, yamas are the first step in their exploration.

Meditation (dhyana / ध्यान) of course is the ultimate step.

External Reference: 

For more details on “Dark Triad” one may read: The dark triad of personality: “Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy” by Delroy L Paulhus, Kevin M Williams, in the Journal of research in personality 36 (6), 556-563, 2002

Reading recommendation: Raja-Yoga and Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Swami Vivekananda.



ಮಧ್ವೇಶ ಕೆ, ವೇದಿಕ್ ಟ್ರೈಬ್

Madhwesh K, Vedic Tribe

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