Six meditation techniques directly from Yoga Sutras - for beginners

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

“Mere Exposure” and “सत्संग / Satsang”

Weekly write-up - 2


*Why should I go to _Satsang_?*

In psychology *mere exposure effect* is one of the interesting areas of study. 

It follows a simple evolutionary principle: *exposure creates familiarity; familiarity creates comfort; comfort creates enjoyment*.

Being frequently exposed to any process a person develops familiarity with the process and ultimately enjoys the process.

Spiritual process / sadhana (साधन) for many sadhakas (साधक) needs to be made enjoyable.

There are few sadhakas who are capable enough to carry out spiritual process / sadhana  alone. But most sadhakas need company. Nonetheless, every sadhaka needs a Guru.

Satsang plainly translates to “good company”. This can be company of only the Guru or fellow sadhakas.

In any social circle, like-minded people are always a good company.

In spiritual process, like-minded people are the fellow sadhakas .

Usually satsang involves activities like bhajans, dance...etc.

The idea is to expose sadhaka more and more to the spiritual process.

Being frequently exposed to spiritual process through satsang, sadhaka develops familiarity with the process and ultimately enjoys the process.

Sadhaka, however, should be careful enough not to consider satsang as the final destination. It is one of the social ways of ensuring that spiritual journey is on track.

For more information on “mere exposure effect”, read: “Mere Exposure: A Gateway to the Subliminal” by Zajonc, R.B



ಮಧ್ವೇಶ ಕೆ, ವೇದಿಕ್ ಟ್ರೈಬ್

Madhwesh K, Vedic Tribe

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